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Robin Matthews, ACC 

The Life Coach Approach  
Auburn, CA

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Auburn, CA
The Life Coach Approach

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The Life Coach Approach


If you ask yourself these questions you’re not alone! As a Life Coach, Communications Professor, and parent I help young adults to those reaching retirement explore their own answers to these questions. What’s more, I felt this way too. That’s how I found life coaching.

Transitions can be tough. For me, I was looking for my sense of renewed purpose.  My kids flew the nest, I’d been teaching for over 20 years, and I felt a little stagnant. I thought to myself, And What Else? Then, Steve and I discovered the UC Davis Professional and Life Coaching Certification Program. Not only did we learn how to coach others but, we were coached and this coaching lead to seeing what was possible in our own lives then taking manageable actions to get there.  I now approach life with a sense of progression not perfection.

My personal mission in life is to continually learn and grow and to help others do the same.  Change can be difficult. As a Life Coach I am committed to being completely present for my client, partnering with them to reach their own personal vision and goals for themselves. I have worked with young adults on figuring out the path they’d like to go in their lives both personally and professionally. I have worked with men and women at different stages of life exploring options for career change, better communication with loved ones, and figuring out “And What Else?”


I hope I have the opportunity to work with you too. If you would like to see what coaching is all about, sign up for a free 45 minute complimentary session.


I hope you live your life in AWE!


ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America