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By joining ICF Sacramento we offer many opportunities for coaches to Connect, Contribute and Thrive. We welcome all credentialed coaches, aspiring coaches, students, and organizations to expand their reach and grow professionally. We are committed to the profession of coaching.

We bring value to our members through:

Monthly Meetings where you can gather, connect and learn.
Core Competency Tele-Class where you can earn additional CCEU's and recommit to the core competencies of our profession.
Lunch N' Learn where coaches come together to exchange awesome ideas and encourage one another.
Local Coach Connections where you have the opportunity to further cement and foster the relationships between coaches within our Community.


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These are the ways you can be part of ICF Sacramento

Affiliation You are a member of our Global Association and have selected Sacramento as your chapter
Full Chapter Member You are a member of our Global Association and have submitted your application of join the local chapter with full benefits.
Community Associate You don’t want to join our Global Association  but want to be part of the local Coaches community.
Student Associate
(1 year only)
You are enrolled in an ACSTH or ACTP ICF-approved coach training program and want to be part of the local Coaches community.
Guest You choose not to be a member of the chapter or Global Association and want to experience our programs.

Benefits Full ICF Sacramento Member Community Associate Student Associate Guest
ICF Global Membership (Separate membership fee applies)
Annual Dues (Rolling 12 months)
Lunch & Learn, Chapter Meeting, Zoominar's (CCEs Included)
Free Free Free $15
Monthly Newsletter
Coaching Cafe
Find A Coach Listing
Events Calendar (post your own events)
Voting Rights
Use ICF Sacramento Chapter Logo
Board of Directors Leadership Opportunities
Associate Director Leadership Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities

Join ICF Sacramento Today

Click Here To Start
ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America