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Tina R Shaw, PCC 

Strengths Partner  Strengths-Based Leadership Coach
El Dorado Hills, CA

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Strengths Partner
Strengths-Based Leadership Coach

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Strengths Partner


I am an optimistic realist who holds deep respect and compassion for others as they dare greatly to be the best they can be. I am someone with the drive (power) to get things done, and the brilliance to recognize and influence the talents and capabilities of others so that together we can achieve more. I am guided in all I do by high integrity and a propensity to delight in play!

I work with leaders who want to increase engagement with their team so that together they can create the results they want. I create a safe container where we explore where my client currently is, including their strengths, challenges, and the impact they are currently having as a leader. We then look at the leader they want to be, how to leverage their strengths and shift their challenges so they can have the impact they really want to have. We create a clear vision and goals to get them where they want to be. My clients have told me that one of the reasons they love working with me is because I can be totally honest with them in a non-judgmental way. I hold up the mirror so they can see clearly and shift what is out of alignment with what they want to create, break out of ruts and accelerate the achievement of their goals. I use a customized approach based on their and their teams' particular needs.

When working with teams, I create a safe place where we can get real with each other while maintaining respect in order to resolve tough issues. Everyone has the opportunity to weigh in and be heard, and this contributes to buy-in. I create an environment where everyone can begin to see the talents and gifts each brings to the team, and how we can get the best from each other. Then we can work on managing or shifting the things that are not working so that the team is not hindered by weaknesses.

My role is to help my clients tap into their own wisdom so they can continue to grow after our work is complete, and I provide them with models and tools to make the change process easier. I am a prolific learner, and after completing my initial coach training program at UC Davis in 2013, I continued to add to my coach training becoming a certified Strengths Coach through 34 Strong, and then becoming certified in positive-psychology based 360 tool called Shift Positive 360. In 2018 I enrolled in The Academy for Coaching Excellence in order to take my coaching to the next level, and am now in the Academy's Seminar Leader Program. I am also a Certified Trainer for Points of You, a global organization of coaches, trainers and facilitators that uses photographs and games to help people tap into their inner wisdom. My goal in my continued education is to be the best possible coach for my clients and to provide them with the tools that will help them create the results they would love to have! I would love to talk to you about how I can help you to create the results you would love to have. You can schedule a time to talk with me here:

For more information on my background and experience, please visit my LinkedIn page: Tina R. Shaw, PCC

ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America