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December 2017 Newsletter

Published on 2/27/2018

December 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the  ICF Sacramento Chapter Newsletter

Please scroll down to view the president's message, take a peak at our upcoming January monthly meeting plans and get caught up on recent ICF news.

President’s Message

November and December are the months for giving thanks, and I have much for which to be thankful. I am blessed to be able to do work I love, and to work with a team of exceptional coaches who have worked diligently to create positive change within our Chapter. As I look back on this year I am quite pleased with the progress we have made in improving our policies and processes in our operations while building relationships and capabilities in our team. When I took on the role of President I discovered various challenges that caused hiccups in the transition from one Board to the next. Some of these challenges included:

  • Various Chapter accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Zoom and others were created using individual Board Member’s email addresses, causing difficulty in transferring ownership of these accounts from one President to the next, and as a result we found ourselves locked out of our Facebook and Twitter accounts for several months earlier this year. We also missed some billing renewal notices because notices were sent to now defunct email addresses.
  • Board documents were stored by individuals who created them on their own private systems, which limited access to documents and resulted in a loss of historical data from year-to-year.
  • Our website was built on a platform with a significant administrative learning curve that only a few Board Members had limited experience with, thus requiring dependence on third party administrator at significant expense for technical support.
  • We required multiple stand-alone systems for website, email communications, event registration and payment transactions, each with separate administrative responsibilities.

Our Board decided to tackle each of these issues in an attempt to simplify the administrative duties of the Board and deliver a better experience for our members. Some of the changes we implemented include:

  • We created a Chapter email address to be used on all Chapter accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, etc. Access to this email address is transferred to the incoming President each year, and to allow for resetting of account passwords to maintain security.  
  • We purchased a Chapter Dropbox account to have a shared depository for all Chapter documents and created a file structure protocol to make it easier to find what we need quickly. Access to this account can easily be shared with incoming Board Members ensuring historical data is not lost as we transition from one Board to the next. 
  • We successfully implemented Club Express, a website and member management software system with an easier learning curve, greater functionality, lower cost, and free phone and email support for Administrators and Users. 
  • Club Express offers an integrated system that includes email communications, event registration, payment transactions, survey capabilities, links to social media, and automation to reduce the administrative burden of managing our Chapter.

Why does all of this matter? Reducing the amount of time and expense required for administrative duties frees the Board to spend more energy and resources on activities that deliver more value to our members and guests while fulfilling our strategic vision and mission. And, it makes serving on the Board more FUN!

If you are interested in helping to shape the future of our Chapter, please consider volunteering for a role on our Board of Directors or serving on a committee. We have a variety of opportunities available. Contact us at and let us know how you can contribute and we will match you with a volunteer opportunity.

With gratitude,

Tina R. Shaw, PCC
President, ICF Sacramento



January 9th Chapter Meeting

Ready to kick off 2018 with set Goals and a Vision for your Coaching Business?

Want to help our Chapter rock, and have more of an impact on the business community, and your bottom line? Then join us for a mid-day, Town Hall style meeting on Tuesday, January 9th. This is YOUR chance to lend YOUR voice to help shape the future of ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter, and our profession, as we move into 2018.

At this interactive meeting, the Board of Directors will share what we have planned for the coming year.  More importantly though, we want to hear from YOU. How can we best meet YOUR needs?  And, how might we engage you – whether you are a new or seasoned coach? 
To help set you up for success, we will conduct a couple of activities to assist you in clarifying your professional goals for 2018.  Leave with a plan of action and a framework that you can use for your own clients. 

Join us for this important January meeting! Please come out, and share your thoughts, and creative ideas, about how we can reach our strategic objectives for the coming year.  Together we will guide our local Chapter, and one another to continued success. 

ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter Members and Chapter Affiliates attend Free, but please RSVP.  Guests: Please RSVP and pay guest fees of $15 via PayPal or $20.00 at the door.

        Don’t wait too late to register RSVP  


It's Board Election Time!

ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter Board is pleased to put forth the nominees for our 2018 Board of Directors.  Board members will serve for one year:  January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.  If you have not submitted your ballot yet, please do so by December 7, 2017 at midnight.

Click on the Election Ballot link provided below and proudly cast your votes.

  2018 Board Election   

The results of the election will be communicated to all members
by December 13, 2017.  Thank you from the 2018 Election Nominating Committee.

The 2018 Election Nominating Committee
Coleen Chandler, President-Elect
Diane Garga, Strategic Alliances Director
Leann Ferry, Special Events Director

New to Coaching?

Newly qualified coaches often ask, “How do I get credibility as a coach when it is obvious to clients that I have not been coaching for very long”?  

Action you can take:  Check the link below to learn what how you can bridge this credibility gap.

 Click Here

Welcome to Our New ICF Chapter Members

Heather Martin and Reid Blue

We want to Thank You for becoming a part of the ICF Sacramento Chapter Team!

You too can become a member of the ICF Sacramento Chapter.  See below for additional information about the Chapter and the many associated benefits.  Join today!

 Click Here for more information.

Quick Links 

*      ICF Sacramento Coaching News
*      Upcoming Events
*      ICF Sacramento Board of Directors
*      Membership Benefits
       ICF International

And don't forget to Mark Your Calendars for these Upcoming Events!

Jan. 9, 2018 - ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter TownHall Meeting - Ready to Kick Off 2018 With Set Goals for Your Business?  Ready To Help Our Chapter Rock?

For Additional Information  Click Here

ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter Members and Chapter Affiliates attend Free, but please
RSVP.  Guests: Please RSVP and pay guest fees of $15 via PayPal or $20.00 at the door.

Thank You to ace, The Academy for Coaching Excellence, our sponsor, for providing a professional meeting site for our general meetings and for supporting ICF Sacramento.  Learn more about ace Academy for Coaching Excellence.

ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America