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August 2017 Newsletter

Published on 8/8/2017

August 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the  ICF Sacramento Chapter Newsletter

Please scroll down to view the president's message, take a peak at our speaker for the August monthly meeting and get caught up on recent ICF news.

President’s Message

I want to acknowledge and thank outgoing Board Member SueAnn Freeman as she steps down from her role as Director-at-Large to attend to family needs. I want to acknowledge and thank SueAnn for her contributions, including the phone calls she made during our member renewal campaign. Our renewal rate is higher than average for Chapters per ICF Global, and I believe SueAnn’s efforts helped us to achieve that. Thank you, SueAnn!

I have the privilege of leading a team of brilliant coaches who are helping me become a better leader while providing their talents in support of our coaching community. It takes a significant commitment and a desire to contribute in order to make an all-volunteer organization such as ours work, and I want to extend a well-deserved THANK YOU to our amazing Board Members: Coleen Chandler, Dolores Davis, Diane Garga, Leann Freeman, Jim Geiger, Melna Jones, Dawn Karner, and Michele Tevis.

Our ICF Sacramento leadership team met for a mid-year retreat on July 15th to build relationships, share learning and co-create where we will go next. I am delighted with the outcomes we achieved from this meeting. We built stronger bonds, shared struggles, made requests, learned from each other, agreed to next actions, celebrated our successes, and learned from failure, too! Here are some things that came out of our meeting:

  • We will hold at least one in-person Board meeting per quarter to build and maintain a feeling of “team”.
  • We are providing additional training and support to Board members to support them in their roles.
  • We will implement new communication practices to improve connection, clarity and support us with positive accountability.

We learned a lot from each other in that meeting, and we are actively creating a better future for our Team and the Chapter. YOU could be a part of this awesome team, too! Contact me at to learn more about how you can volunteer your talents in service of our profession.

With gratitude,

Tina R. Shaw, ACC

President, ICF Sacramento 


August Events at ICF Sacramento

ICF Sacramento Chapter Member Meeting, August 8th, 2017   

We invite you to join the ICF Sacramento Chapter for our August Member Meeting, where Jennifer Darling, The Positively Successful Sales Expert”, will show you what you need to do to get LinkedIn for Your Coaching Business

Many coaches, entrepreneurs and small business owners use Facebook to promote their businesses, and while Facebook is an awesome social media platform, there are many reasons to use LinkedIn in addition to Facebook to promote your business.

In the LinkedIn for Professional Coaches Seminar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Upgrade your profile to get found
  • Create value to build influence with your ideal customers
  • Find people to connect with

Whether you market your coaching business to other businesses or directly to personal consumers, this session will provide practical tools and strategies you can use.  LinkedIn is the Google of professionals and it can be a major part of your marketing strategy.

Jennifer's BIO

Jennifer Darling is a passionate, dynamic speaker with a mission to break down negative barriers into positive ideas in business and leadership for women. She has over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, management, and personal development for companies such as FOX, NBC, CBS, and Comcast. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Promotion. She is a member of the National Speakers Association, Power Women of the NSA, and a Distinguished Toastmaster. Jennifer is a published author, trainer, and sought-after speaker.

Jennifer has helped thousands of businesses become more profitable through her speaking, consulting, training, and workshops. 

To learn more about Jennifer Darling, go to DarlingPartners

ICF Sacramento Charter Chapter Members and Chapter Affiliates attend Free, but please RSVP.  Guests: Please RSVP and pay guest fees of $15 via PayPal or $20.00 at the door.

        Don’t wait too late to register.

And don't forget to Mark Your Calendars for these Upcoming Events!

  • Aug. 18, 2017 - A Chance to Earn 35 ICF CCEU's Toward Renewal (in person or virtually)
  • Aug. 28, 2017 - ICF Sacramento Board Meeting
  • Sept. 12, 2017 – More Clients, Less Marketing: Create More Leads & Income By Doing Less
  • Sept. 19, 2017 - The Sacramento Area Human Resource Association (SAHRA) Annual Conference 2017
  • Oct. 10, 2017 - Coaching Artists, Performers & High Achievers
  • Nov. 14, 2017 - The Negativity Bias: How to Deal with Difficult Client Situations
For Additional Information  Click Here


ICF Updates

ICF Converge 2017 Is This Month!

And will take place in Wash. D.C. August 24-26, 2017. 

At current count, there will be more than 1,460 attendees from over 60 countries around the world, connecting and learning together. It’s thrilling that so many coaches are dedicated to strengthening their skills, building their businesses, and developing relationships within the coaching community.

This is an opportunity to connect with coaching colleagues from around the world and deepen personal and professional relationships.  This year’s conference will take place August 24-26 in Washington D.C. 

If you haven't yet registered, don’t wait!
ICF Converge 2017

Board of Directors
Positions Open

ICF Sacramento Accepting Applications for Vacant Board of Director Positions 

Are you interested in an opportunity to exercise your leadership muscles?  The ICF Sacramento Valley Chapter is looking to fill two key positions.  Give back to the profession by serving in one of these rewarding positions!

·    Professional Development Director

·    Director at Large

If you’d like to be considered, or would like more information, please email Tina Shaw, President, ICF Sacramento Chapter at 

Quieting The Inner Critic with Tara Mohr

If you missed the July 11th ICF Chapter meeting, you missed a treat.  Tara Mohr brought the entire ICF Western Region together with her presentation “Quieting The Inner Critic: Helping your clients move beyond self-doubt and into playing bigger”.  

This was the second meeting held both virtually via webinar, as well as in person at the Academy for Coaching Excellence. 
In this special 90-minute workshop for coaches, Tara Mohr, author and leading coach, shared key concepts and coaching tools from her pioneering Playing Big Facilitators Training.  

For more information about Tara Mohr, Click Here

Welcome to Our New ICF Chapter Members

Between April and July, 2017, 13 New Members joined the ICF Sacramento Chapter:

* Karen Bonnett
* Susan Fry, ACC
* Petra Glenesk
* Lynne Harris, ACC
* Kathy A. James
* Janet Lockhart-Jones, Ed.D
* Lauren Mills, ACC
* Jaime A. Partlow, ACC
* Michelle Payne, MCC
* Debra Ramsey
* Darlene Roman
* Kate Steele
* Deborah A. Young

We want to Thank You for becoming a part of the ICF Sacramento Chapter Team!

AND, Congratulations To: 

David McEwen! on receiving your PCC Certification

Become a member of the ICF Sacramento Chapter.  Join today through April 2018 for just $45.

 Click Here for more information.

Thank You to ace, The Academy for Coaching Excellence, our sponsor, for providing a professional meeting site for our general meetings and for supporting ICF Sacramento.  Learn more about ace Academy for Coaching Excellence.

ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America